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🥺 Emoji Meaning

The emoji with the begging, almost pleading face and the shining eyes expresses a mixture of hope, despair and the deep need for compassion or approval.

🥺 Appearance

The “Pleading Face” shows a face characterized by large, shining eyes with a pleading or longing expression. The eyes are wide open and turned slightly upwards, which reinforces the impression of crying eyes. The emoji appears to be on the verge of tears.

The eyebrows are slightly raised, giving the face an additional expression of worry or concern. This is reminiscent of the pleading facial expression of dogs begging for food.

The emoji's forehead is furrowed, which reinforces the pleading gesture. The mouth is small and roundish, the corners of the mouth are pulled down slightly, which emphasizes the impression of sadness or despair.

The combination of large, shining eyes and the slightly downturned mouth makes it a versatile tool in digital communication. We see a human-like face holding back tears. The appearance may vary depending on the platform, although the basic characteristics of the emojis remain the same.

🥺 Meaning

The begging face symbolizes a mixture of hope, despair and tenderness. It is often used to reinforce a request for help, understanding or a favor. It can also express pity or longing and, in rare cases, be used as a reaction to something cute. When you send this emoji, you are showing your vulnerable side and asking for support or indulgence, while the recipient might interpret it as an expression of neediness or a touching appeal.

🥺 Origin and cultural differences

In recent years, the popularity of the brave smiley face that suppresses tears has increased significantly, especially among younger users. The depiction with large, shiny eyes and slightly raised eyebrows is reminiscent of the so-called “puppy dog eyes”. The origin of this depiction goes back to universal human — and sometimes animal — facial expressions in which the eyes are wide open to arouse sympathy.

Cultural differences:
In Western cultures, 🥺 is often used as an expression of cuteness or an attempt to gain affection or sympathy. It is typically used in contexts where someone is asking for something, apologizing or trying to elicit sympathy. In Asian countries, particularly in Japan, the term is closely associated with Kawaii culture, which seeks to emphasize cute aspects in an often exaggerated way. In Asian cultures, the emoji can therefore be interpreted even more strongly as a symbol of innocence and childlike awkwardness.

Gender-specific differences:
It is interesting to note how the sad face is interpreted in a gender-specific way. When used by girls or women, it is frequently seen as particularly sweet and charming. It signals gentleness and a desire for attention, but also a certain helplessness. With boys or men, it can be used humorously or ironically, depending on the context, to playfully defuse a situation or emphasize emotional weakness. So there are small nuances in the gender-specific interpretation, but the basic idea is very similar.

Cross-platform differences:

🥺 Meaning Facebook:
On Facebook, the 🥺 emoji is used in comments or PMs to send sympathy, remorse, or a request. The emoji is particularly popular with younger users when they are hoping for support or understanding. Older users use it less frequently, and when they do, it tends to be in a more literal context, for example to express genuine remorse or regret. There is no platform-specific meaning, but the usage here is often more emotional and less ironic than on other platforms.

🥺 Meaning WhatsApp:
On WhatsApp, 🥺 is used in the same context. It is frequently used in closer friendships and romantic relationships to signal sympathy or regret in a cutesy way. It seems more personal on WA than on public platforms, as messenger conversations are usually more intimate here.

🥺 Meaning Instagram:
On Instagram, it is typically used in comments or in DMs to respond to emotionally touching or cute content, but largely to express sympathy. It can also be used ironically in memes or captions to show an exaggerated or “extra” reaction. The meaning is no different from WhatsApp or Facebook.

🥺 Meaning of TikTok:
On TikTok, the 🥺 emoji plays a bigger role in meme culture. It is often used in the comments or as a live reaction to videos and streams to show cuteness or an emotional request in an exaggerated way. It is particularly popular in combination with clips in which the “puppy dog eyes” are ironically imitated, which gives it a humorous yet cute effect and is regularly used by female users.

🥺 Meaning Snapchat:
On Snapchat, the emoji also has no special or different meaning, like some other smileys. As communication on Snapchat is usually spontaneous and casual, the 🥺 emoji is perfect for quick, informal conversations. It is also used here to appear ironic or playful, especially when you want to provoke a reaction.

These cross-platform differences show that the 🥺 emoji can have different emotions and nuances depending on the application and platform — from honest and emotional to humorous and ironic.

Interpretation and misunderstandings:
Despite its seemingly clear meaning, the 🥺 emoji can lead to misunderstandings in (very rare) cases. While it is seen by most as an expression of request or cuteness, it can also come across as exaggerated or even manipulative in certain situations, especially if it is used too often.

🥺 How to use

I need a favor:
Tom: Could you maybe lend me your car for the move this weekend? 🥺
Anna: Sure, no problem. I don't need it on the weekend.

Belated apology:
Lena: I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. 🥺
Marco: It's okay, let's just go out for dinner next week. But you're spending! 😊

Help with homework:
Julia: I just can't get any further with this algebra task. Can you help me? 🥺
Kevin: Of course, show me. It can't be that difficult...

I beg your pardon:
Simon: I broke your favorite cup. It was an accident, honestly. 🥺
Emma: Don't stress, it's only a cup.

Ask for a second chance:
Chris: I know I've messed up big time, but please give me another chance! 🥺
Sara: Don't be annoying now, I require time!

Pleading for a pet:
Kids: Can we have a dog? We promise to take good care of it! 🥺
Parents: Need to discuss this thoroughly, but we'll think about it, okay?

🥺 Comparison

The puppy eyes emoji shares visual and emotional similarities with other emojis, but is unique in its cuteness. However, there could be some confusion when interpreting it, so let's take a closer look at its relatives.

A comparable emoji is the 😢 emoji with a single tear and a sad face. Both emojis express sadness, but while 🥺 is more of a pleading or innocent sadness, 😢 is more direct in its depiction of grief and appears more serious, almost extremely worried.

Another similar emoji is 😞, which also expresses a downcast mood. However, it lacks the emotional and pleading appeal that the 🥺 emoji conveys with its big googly eyes.

An emoji that could be confused with the “begging face” is the 😳 emoji. Both emojis have large, round eyes and raised eyebrows, but while 🥺 is aimed at pity or pleading, 😳 tends to show surprise combined with embarrassment. The subtle difference in emotion can influence its use in different contexts: 😳 tends to be used in awkward or embarrassing situations, while 🥺 “begs” more for attention or support.

In addition to these emojis, there is also the 😔 emoji, which conveys a similar sadness, but more in the direction of resignation or inner grief: I've given up... In comparison, 🥺 has a more active component, reinforcing the feeling of hope or the desire for help through the “dog eyes”.

Although all of these emojis show sadness or discomfort at first glance, the 🥺 emoji brings a special kind of emotionality through its innocent and pleading facial expressions that is hard to ignore because it's just so incredibly cute.

🥺 Editorial opinion

What our editors think about this emoji:
The 🥺 emoji, aka the “begging face,” is the perfect tool to get your people to say “yes” - whether they want to or not! #youcantsayno!

With its beady, teary eyes and ultimate puppy dog eyes, it's almost impossible to resist this emoji. Who hasn't tried to use this cute face to get a favor or get sympathy? “Hey, could you please pick me up from the party, I'm sooooo cold?” Send the 🥺 emoji - and bang, you win!

We in the editorial team love this emoji, especially when we're negotiating for more breaks and a new table football table. From “please help me” to “forgive me”, the 🥺 is your most loyal companion when you're at the mercy of others - the ultimate weapon in the digital seduction arsenal, so to speak. No one can resist those innocent puppy eyes for long. A little tip: use it carefully, otherwise everyone will know you're up to no good! 😜

🥺 Other names

The emoji is also known by the following names.

  • 🥺 begging
  • 🥺 glossy eyes
  • 🥺 simp
  • 🥺 mercy
  • 🥺 pleading face
  • 🥺 puppy eyes

Popular name:

🥺 begging

🥺 Emotional Classification

First, we take a look at the basic emotion, the core of the emoji's nature. Then we will look at the secondary emotions that the emoji can evoke in us.

Basic Emotions
  • Sadness
  • Love
Secondary Emotions
  • surprised
  • confused

🥺 Examples and how to use

In this section, we examine the emotional impact of emojis. We will use examples to show how emojis can evoke different emotions in the reader depending on the context.


Basic emotion example

I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you... 🥺💔😔

Associated feelings
  • regretful
  • sad
  • concerned

Basic emotion example

Could you please take over my night shift? 🥺🙏✨

Associated feelings
  • docile
  • hopeful
  • concerned

Basic emotion example

I have totally fallen in love with you.... 🥺❤️✨

Associated feelings
  • hopeful
  • expectant
  • in love
🥺 General Information
Unicode-NamePleading Face
Apple-NameFace with Pleading Eyes
Category Smileys & Emotion




Keywordsbegging, mercy, pleading face, puppy eyes
Unicode-Version Unicode 11.0
Emoji-Version Emoji 11.0