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🤗 Emoji Meaning

The emoji with the hugging hands stands for a warm embrace or affection. It is often used to convey joy, support or comfort.

🤗 Appearance

The Hugging Face emoji, or face with hugging hands, shows a warm smiling face framed by two hands. The hands are positioned as if to indicate a hug or to welcome someone.

The emoji has a round, friendly face with a warm yellow coloring, which is often used for human faces in emojis. The eyes are closed and appear content, inviting and cheerful due to the slightly upturned eyebrows. The closed eyes can also be interpreted as an expression of a very warm smile. Slightly flushed cheeks contribute to the friendly aura and emphasize the warmth of the gesture depicted.

The hands are shown open and in a movement that suggests an inviting gesture. They are a lighter skin tone, which contrasts with the yellow face, and show a human-like structure with four fingers and a thumb each. The palms are slightly turned towards the viewer, which emphasizes the openness and accessibility of the gesture.

The Hugging Face emoji is a cheerful symbol that radiates joy and openness through warm colors and soft lines. The representation may vary slightly depending on the platform, but the basic elements of the smiling face and hugging hands always remain the same.

🤗 Meaning

The face with the inviting, embracing hands stands for a warm hug and expresses warmth, affection and support. Use it to convey joy, gratitude or comfort. Whether in a friendly or family context. When you send this emoji, you are showing the other person that you are sending a virtual hug. The recipient can interpret this as a sign of love, friendship or compassion.

🤗 Origin and cultural differences

The idea behind the emoji can be traced back to the universal gesture of a hug, which is considered an expression of love, friendship and comfort in many cultures. Since it was added to the Unicode standard in 2015, this emoji has become increasingly popular. In most cases, it stands for platonic affection between friends or for support in difficult times.

However, the meaning of this emoji can vary in different cultures. In some countries, where people don't like to touch each other in public, the emoji 🤗 might be seen as too intimate or personal. In other countries, where it is more normal, it is seen as a friendly and warm gesture without romantic connotations. Especially among younger people who have grown up with digital communication, the emoji is a popular way of signaling support and friendship without causing misunderstandings, regardless of national borders.

The meaning of the emoji can also vary in different social groups. The emoji is most popular in informal chats between friends and family. In professional or formal contexts, however, it may be considered inappropriate or too casual. Therefore, it is important to consider the context in which the emoji is used to ensure that the intended message is conveyed correctly.

🤗 How to use

Support in difficult times:
Janna: I feel so down today because of the exam.
Tom: Cheer up, you've prepared well. Feel supported! 🤗

Joyful greeting:
Chris: Hey, long time no hear! 🤗
Alex: Yes, that's right! I'm really pleased that you're writing!

Express gratitude:
Emma: Thank you for helping me move. You are a treasure! 🤗
Luis: Always happy to help, that's what friends are for!

Olivia: My hamster died today. I feel so empty.
Noah: I'm so sorry for you. Give yourself a big hug. 🤗

Showing affection:
Felix: I'm thinking of you and just wanted to send you a quick hug. 🤗
Sabine: That's so sweet of you! I feel much better straight away.

🤗 Comparison

In the world of emojis, there are some smileys that can appear similar at first glance to the "Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji", as they also express friendliness and happiness. The 😊 emoji is similar, but stands more for general contentment or a smile (and of course the arms are missing). The 🤗 emoji, on the other hand, adds an extra layer of intimacy and personal contact through the gesture of hugging.

Another related emoji is the 😍 Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes, which is often used to show love or enthusiasm. The 🤗 emoji conveys similar positive emotions, but the focus here is more on admiration or romantic affection due to the hearts. The 🤗 emoji covers a wider range of warm feelings and friendly gestures and is not as clear-cut.

The 🤗 emoji could also be confused with the 👐 open hands emoji, which represents open hands and is sometimes interpreted as a sign of openness or a gesture of give and take. However, the 👐 emoji lacks the explicit representation of the hug that makes the 🤗 emoji so unique. The 🤗 emoji is not just an image, it also stands for an action that plays an important role in many cultures. It is a sign of caring and connection, the hands without the face have a more general meaning.

🤗 Editorial opinion

Our editorial team thinks so: The 🤗 Hugging Face emoji is like a good friend - always ready for a warm hug, whether you've just landed the job of your dreams or your favorite series has been canceled for the third time. It knows no personal boundaries and provides a virtual hug in every text message.

For Generation Z, the 🤗 emoji is like the digital Dementor scare from "Harry Potter" - it chases away the dark clouds with a hug instead of chocolate. And in the world of work? It's the colleague who is always up for a team-building event, even if it's just to assess the latest fashion trends together.

Culturally speaking, the 🤗 emoji is a real chameleon: in some countries, it is the perfect response to a "How are you?", while in others it expresses more of an "I love you" without words. We also call it the international diplomat among emojis, creating positive vibes everywhere.

Technically speaking, the 🤗 emoji is a small work of art. It has evolved from simple colons and brackets to a fully-fledged, huggable face. And while it comes across as sometimes rounder, sometimes more angular on different platforms, its message always remains the same: "Come here, you need a hug!"

Are you looking for an emoji for affection, a happy face with hugging hands or simply a warm hug emoji? Then the Hugging Face is just the thing for you. It may only be virtual, but it's all the more heartfelt for it. Emoji scientists are still working on the answer as to whether the hugging face also has real arms.

🤗 Other names

The emoji is also known by the following names.

  • 🤗 hug
  • 🤗 hugging
  • 🤗 hugs
  • 🤗 open hands
  • 🤗 smiling face
  • 🤗 smiling face with open hands

Popular name:

🤗 hug

🤗 Emotional Classification

First, we take a look at the basic emotion, the core of the emoji's nature. Then we will look at the secondary emotions that the emoji can evoke in us.

Basic Emotions
  • Love
  • Joy
Secondary Emotions
  • attentive
  • curious
  • self-confident

🤗 Examples and how to use

In this section, we examine the emotional impact of emojis. We will use examples to show how emojis can evoke different emotions in the reader depending on the context.


Basic emotion example

I hug you in my thoughts. 🤗

Associated feelings
  • trusting
  • accepting
  • thoughtful

Basic emotion example

Happy birthday, let's celebrate! 🤗

Associated feelings
  • enthusiastic
  • glad
  • optimistic

Basic emotion example

Wow, did you really plan a surprise party for me?

Associated feelings
  • confused
  • glad
  • amazed
🤗 General Information
Unicode-NameHugging Face
Apple-NameHugging Face
Category Smileys & Emotion



:hugging_face:, :hugging:

Keywordshug, hugging, open hands, smiling face, smiling face with open hands
Unicode-Version Unicode 8.0
Emoji-Version Emoji 1.0